Delicious & Nutritious Beetroot & Strawberry Juice Recipe

Delicious & Nutritious Beetroot & Strawberry Juice Recipe
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Beetroot and strawberry juice benefits

Have you ever heard of a juice that’s both delicious and good for you? Look no further than the Delicious & Nutritious Beetroot & Strawberry Juice Recipe! This vibrant drink packs a punch of flavor and nutrients. Beets are known for their earthy taste and health benefits, while strawberries add a sweet and refreshing touch. But what exactly makes this juice so great? Let’s dive into the surprising benefits of beetroot and Strawberry juice and how you can easily make it home!

Benefits beet and Strawberry juice

Delicious & Nutritious Beetroot & Strawberry Juice Recipe

Beetroot and strawberry juice might sound unusual, but trust us, it’s a delicious and healthy powerhouse! Here are 15 reasons why you should give it a try:

  1. Energy Booster: Beets are loaded with nitrates, which your body converts into nitric oxide. This molecule helps improve blood flow and oxygen delivery, giving you a natural energy boost.
  2. Detox Delight: Both beets and strawberries support your liver, the body’s natural detoxifier. This helps flush out toxins and keeps you feeling your best.
  3. Immune System Support: Strawberries are brimming with Vitamin C, a key nutrient for a strong immune system that fights off illness.
  4. Heart Health Hero: Beets’ nitrates can help lower blood pressure and improve blood vessel health, keeping your heart happy.
  5. Endurance Enhancer: Studies suggest beetroot juice can improve athletic performance by increasing stamina and reducing fatigue.
  6. Eye Health Helper: Beets contain antioxidants that protect your eyes from damage caused by free radicals, promoting healthy vision.
  7. Anti-inflammatory Advantage: Both ingredients have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce pain and inflammation.
  8. Brainpower Boost: Beets may improve cognitive function and blood flow to the brain, potentially benefiting memory and focus.
  9. Healthy Digestion: Beets are a good source of fiber, which helps keep your digestive system running smoothly and promotes regularity.
  10. Cancer Prevention Power: The antioxidants in strawberries and beets may help protect against certain types of cancer.
  11. Weight Management: Strawberries’ natural sweetness can satisfy cravings, while beets’ fiber keeps you feeling fuller for longer, potentially aiding weight management.
  12. Potent Potassium: Beets are rich in potassium, which helps regulate blood pressure and muscle function.
  13. Folate Friend: Both beets and strawberries contain folate, a vitamin B crucial for cell growth and development, which is especially important during pregnancy.
  14. Manganese Magic: Strawberries are a good source of manganese, a mineral that supports bone health and metabolism.
  15. Hydration Hero: Juicing adds water to your diet, keeping you hydrated throughout the day, which is essential for overall health.

Remember, moderation is key! While this juice offers many benefits, it’s best to enjoy it as part of a balanced diet.

Strawberry beet juice recipe

This recipe is a great way to enjoy the benefits of beetroot and strawberries in a refreshing drink. It’s surprisingly simple to make!


  • 2 medium beets, peeled and chopped
  • 1 cup fresh strawberries
  • 1/2 inch knob of ginger (optional)
  • 1/2 lemon (optional for a tangy twist)
  • Water (optional for thinning)


  1. Wash and chop the beets into small pieces. This will help them juice more easily.
  2. Wash your strawberries and remove the hulls.
  3. Suppose you have a juicer; great! Add all the ingredients (beets, strawberries, ginger, and lemon) to your juicer and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
  4. If you don’t have a juicer: No worries! You can still make this delicious juice. Just blend all the ingredients in a blender until smooth. Then, pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve to remove the pulp.

Delicious & Nutritious Beetroot & Strawberry Juice Recipe


  • Taste your juice and adjust the sweetness or tartness to your liking. If it’s too thick, add a little more water.
  • Fresh is best! But if you don’t have fresh strawberries, you can use frozen ones (thawed first).
  • This juice is most nutritious when enjoyed fresh. However, it can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 24 hours. Delicious & Nutritious Beetroot & Strawberry Juice Recipe

Enjoy your healthy and delicious homemade beetroot and strawberry juice!

Strawberry beet juice nutrition facts, 100 ml

A 100ml serving of beetroot and strawberry juice can be a great way to boost nutrients. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:

  • Calories: The juice’s calories will range from 40 to 50, depending on the ratio of beetroot to Strawberry.
  • Carbs: About 10-15 grams. Most of these carbs come from natural sugars in the strawberries and beets.
  • Fiber: Very low in fiber, usually less than 1 gram.
  • Sugar: Around 8-12 grams. This is naturally occurring sugar from fruits and vegetables.
  • Protein: Low in protein, typically around 1-2 grams.
  • Vitamins and Minerals:
    • Potassium is a good source of potassium that can help control blood pressure.
    • Vitamin C: Depending on the strawberry content, it may contain some vitamin C, which is good for immunity.
    • Other vitamins and minerals: Depending on the recipe, it may also contain small amounts of other vitamins and minerals, such as folate and manganese.

Important to note:

  • This is a general estimate, and the exact nutritional content can vary depending on the specific recipe and ingredients used.
  • Beetroot and strawberry juice are generally low in fiber, so they might only temporarily fill you up. Delicious & Nutritious Beetroot & Strawberry Juice Recipe

Disadvantages of the Beetroot & Strawberry Juice Recipe

Here are some disadvantages to consider when making a beetroot and strawberry juice recipe:

  • Taste: Beetroot has an earthy flavour that can be strong for some people. Strawberries help sweeten the juice, but it might still have an earthy aftertaste.
  • Colour: Beetroot juice can stain your hands and clothes! Be careful while handling it and cleaning up.
  • Sugar: Some recipes add sugar to this juice, increasing calorie content. You should skip the added sugar if you want a low-calorie drink.
  • Short shelf life: Freshly squeezed juice is best enjoyed right away. It can lose nutrients and flavour if stored for too long.

Overall, beetroot and strawberry juice are healthy drinks, but these are some things to remember before making them.


1) Is Strawberry high in sugar?

Strawberries might taste sweet, but they’re one of the lower-sugar fruits! A cup of strawberries only has about 7 grams of sugar, less than many other fruits. This makes them a great choice for a sweet snack without going overboard on sugar.

2) Do strawberries make your skin glow?

Strawberries might not be a magic glowing potion, but they can contribute to a healthy, radiant complexion! They’re packed with vitamin C, which helps fight wrinkles and brighten skin. Plus, antioxidants in strawberries combat damage from the sun and pollution. Eating them regularly and a good skincare routine can give your skin a natural boost.

3) Is Strawberry OK for diabetes?

Absolutely! Strawberries are a great choice for people with diabetes. They’re low in glycemic index, meaning they raise blood sugar slowly. Enjoy them in moderation, like with a cup of plain yogurt, for a sweet and healthy snack. Remember to count carbs and adjust medications if needed.

4) Beetroot and strawberry juice benefits for weight loss

While beetroot and strawberry juice aren’t magic weight loss solutions, they can help! Beets are low in calories and may curb cravings. Strawberries add natural sweetness without added sugar. This juice can also keep you feeling fuller longer, aiding weight management when combined with a healthy diet and exercise.

Read More: 

Strawberry Juice Benefits, Nutrition, and Delicious Recipe Ideas

Banana Juice Benefits, Recipe, and Nutritional Powerhouse

Fig Juice Benefits and a Delicious Recipe

Beetroot Juice Benefits & Recipe Your Guide to This Superfood Drink

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