Secret Benefits of Coconut Mango Milkshakes Recipe

Secret Benefits of Coconut Mango Milkshakes Recipe
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Craving a cool, refreshing drink that’s also good for you? Secret Benefits of Coconut Mango Milkshakes Recipe Look no further than the secret weapon of summer: the coconut mango milkshake! This tropical treat isn’t just delicious; it’s packed with surprising benefits. We’re talking about boosting your immune system, aiding digestion, and even giving your skin a healthy glow. Who knew a milkshake could be so good for you? Dive in and discover the secret benefits of coconut mango milkshakes, and get ready to unlock a taste of the tropics in every sip!

Benefits of coconut mango milkshake

Sunshine in a glass? You bet! Coconut mango milkshakes aren’t just a delicious way to cool down. This tropical drink is packed with hidden benefits that can boost your health and leave you feeling refreshed. Here’s why you should raise a glass to this creamy concoction:

  1. Immunity Booster: Mangoes are loaded with Vitamin C, which helps fight off colds and keeps your immune system strong.
  2. Digestive Delight: Coconut water is a natural source of electrolytes, which can aid digestion and keep you feeling hydrated. Plus, mangoes contain fiber, another friend to your gut health.
  3. Energy Energizer: Say goodbye to afternoon slumps! Natural sugars in mangoes provide a quick energy boost, while healthy fats from coconut milk keep you satisfied for longer.
  4. Hydration Hero: Coconut water is a natural hydrator, perfect for those hot summer days. It replenishes electrolytes lost through sweat, keeping you cool and refreshed.
  5. Heart Healthy Helper: Coconut milk contains healthy fats that may help improve cholesterol levels and support heart health.
  6. Glowing Skin Goodness: Mangoes are rich in Vitamin A, essential for healthy skin, and can even help reduce wrinkles.
  7. Electrolyte Powerhouse: Both mangoes and coconut water are rich in electrolytes like potassium and magnesium, which are crucial for muscle function and nerve impulses.
  8. Bone Builder: Mangoes contain a good amount of calcium, which helps keep your bones strong and healthy.
  9. Visionary Power: Mangoes are a great source of Vitamin A, which is important for maintaining healthy eyesight.
  10. Mood Booster: The natural sugars in mangoes can give you a little pick-me-up, while the overall deliciousness of the drink can lift your spirits.

So, next time you’re looking for a refreshing treat, ditch the sugary drinks and whip up a coconut mango milkshake. Your taste buds and your body will thank you!

coconut mango milkshake recipe

Secret Benefits of Coconut Mango Milkshakes Recipe

We are looking for a refreshing summer drink that’s easy to make. This coconut mango milkshake is perfect for you! It’s bursting with tropical flavors and creamy goodness, but it’s also surprisingly simple to whip up. Secret Benefits of Coconut Mango Milkshakes Recipe Here’s what you’ll need:


  • 1 cup chopped fresh mango (or frozen mango chunks)
  • 1 cup chilled full-fat coconut milk (or light coconut milk for a lighter version)
  • 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream (or frozen yogurt for a healthier option)
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey or agave nectar (optional, depending on the sweetness of your mango)
  • Few ice cubes (optional for a thicker milkshake)


  1. Prep your mango: Peel and chop your fresh mango, or use frozen chunks.
  2. Blend it up! Add all your ingredients (mango, coconut milk, ice cream, sweetener, and ice cubes) to a blender.
  3. Blend until smooth: Start by pulsing the blender a few times, then blend on high speed for 30-60 seconds until the mixture is creamy and frothy. You can adjust the blending time for your desired consistency – thicker or thinner.
  4. Serve and enjoy! Pour your delicious coconut mango milkshake into two glasses and enjoy it immediately.


  • Garnish your milkshake with a sprinkle of shredded coconut or a fresh mango slice for an extra tropical touch.
  • If your mangoes could be sweeter, adjust the honey or agave nectar to your taste.
  • Want a thicker milkshake? Add more ice cubes or even a frozen banana to the blender.
  • This recipe is easily doubled or tripled to share with friends and family!
  • Secret Benefits of Coconut Mango Milkshakes Recipe

coconut mango milkshake nutrition facts 100ml

  • Calories: Around 150-200 calories (depending on the ingredients used)
  • Fat: Around 4-8 grams (mostly from the coconut milk and ice cream)
  • Carbohydrates: Around 20-30 grams (mostly natural sugars from the mango and some from the ice cream)
  • Protein: Around 2-5 grams (from the coconut milk and ice cream)
  • Sugar: Around 15-20 grams (mostly natural sugars from the mango, with some added sugar depending on the recipe)
  • Fiber: Around 1-2 grams (mostly from the mango)

Things to Consider:

  • This is just an estimate, and the actual nutritional content will vary depending on the specific ingredients you use (type of mango, fat content of coconut milk, ice cream vs. frozen yogurt, etc.)
  • If you use lighter coconut milk or frozen yogurt, the overall calorie and fat content will be lower.
  • Adding extra honey or agave nectar will increase the sugar content.

Secret Benefits of Coconut Mango Milkshakes Recipe


While this milkshake is a delicious treat, it’s important to remember it does contain some sugar and calories. Enjoy it in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

coconut mango milkshake side effects

Sugar Content:

  • Mangoes are naturally sweet; depending on the recipe, you might add extra sweeteners like honey. This can lead to a higher sugar intake, especially if you consume these milkshakes regularly. Be mindful of portion sizes and use less sweetener when concerned about sugar intake.

Calorie Count:

  • The combination of coconut milk, ice cream, and fruit can add up calorie-wise. This is okay, but if you’re watching your calorie intake, be aware that milkshakes are richer than water or unsweetened tea.

Digestive Issues:

  • For some people, mangoes can cause digestive discomfort like bloating or gas. This is more likely if you have a sensitive digestive system or are prone to these issues. If you experience pain after enjoying a milkshake, limit your intake or avoid them altogether.

Coconut Milk Concerns:

  • Coconut milk is generally safe for most people, but if you have any allergies to tree nuts, it’s best to consult a doctor before consuming coconut milk-based drinks.


Coconut mango milkshakes can be a healthy-ish treat, but moderation is key. Be mindful of the sugar and calorie content, and if you have any underlying health concerns, talk to your doctor before indulging.


1) Do mango and coconut go together?

Mango and coconut are a fantastic flavor pair! Their tropical origins make them a natural match. Mango’s sweetness complements the creamy richness of coconut, creating a refreshing and delicious combination. You’ll find them together in many dishes and drinks, from smoothies to curries.

2) Is a mango milkshake good for health?

Mango milkshakes can be a healthy-ish treat! They offer vitamins and fiber from mangoes but watch out for added sugar and calories. Use low-fat milk, skip extra sweeteners, and enjoy them occasionally for a refreshing and somewhat nutritious drink.

3) Is mango good for skin glow?

Yes, mangoes can be a friend to your glow! They’re packed with vitamin C, which helps your body build collagen, a key player in keeping skin plump and youthful. Plus, antioxidants in mangoes fight damage that can make skin dull. So, enjoy mangoes in moderation for a natural approach to a radiant complexion.

4) Can I drink a mango milkshake at night?

Yes, you can generally enjoy a mango milkshake at night! The natural sugars in mangoes can give a slight energy boost, but it’s not too much to disrupt sleep. Just moderate the portion and avoid added sugars for a lighter nighttime treat.

5) Can we drink mango shake on an empty stomach?

Mango shakes on an empty stomach might be a mixed bag. The high fiber in mangoes can cause bloating or gas for some people. But a small mango shake might be okay if you don’t have a sensitive stomach. Try it out and see how you feel, or enjoy it alongside a light breakfast.

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